Thursday, July 4, 2013

Google Drive Organization System

In an effort to save my older posts, I'm transferring them to this blog. This post was originally published on September 5, 2012.

If you have ever had 60 students (and countless colleagues) share docs with you, you understand how chaotic and completely unmanageable your Google Drive can get. For the past six years, I have been using Google Apps with students in 4-6 grades and adult learners. In this time, I've figured out a system to help my students and me keep our Google Drives organized and easy to manage.

This system will help you have more success in locating assignments and activities, create a simple way for you to share materials with students (and vice versa), and make it easier to find documents, all while keeping everyone's Drives from getting cluttered with randomly named individual docs.

The general idea is that teachers and students use shared folders to give each other access to necessary material (assignments, activities, etc.), and teachers create document naming requirements to help make the drives more search-friendly. For a more in-depth explanation, and tutorial videos to help you set this system up in your own class, take a look at the Google Drive Organization presentation below.

1 comment:

  1. Nice system for beginning with student documents but as you use more apps like Blogs, Sites, G+ you might want to look at Teacher Dashboard.
